We are a business, that is unquestionable, so we want to make money. But there are people behind it and we want to contribute with our values.
Therefore, we have decided that our working philosophy is to favour the integration and development of aquaculture as a business in the economy of any region. It does not matter if it is not a maritime region. The RAS water treatment system avoids dependence on a continuous supply of water from the sea and also makes it possible to keep the discharge of water to a minimum.
Our work is varied, but always aimed at the creation of aquaculture framework. We take care of the design of new installations (installation plans, list of materials, cost breakdown, evaluation of derived costs such as electricity, water…), we create cultivation plans for new projects, evaluation of existing installations to improve/modernise them…
- More than 15 years of experience in design, assembly and daily use of aquaculture facilities.
- We have always worked in a multicultural environment, speaking several languages and adapting to pressure at work.
- An overview of the entire process, which ensures efficiency in the work.
- We attach the utmost importance to the result. The facilities we design must be efficient, effective and comfortable for the worker.
- We transmit the holistic and integral vision of the RAS, to guarantee the self-sufficiency and independence of the fish farmer. Setbacks will come, but our philosophy is not to deliver plans and that’s it. A farmer who knows the system well can be the difference between losing many thousands of euros worth of fish and an unimportant anecdote.
- Promote the sustainability of the business and the environment it is in (integration and minimum impact).
- To make our work more affordable we try as much as possible to use open source software. If our costs are lower, so is our price.
Our values are:
- Create installations with maximum performance
- Offer no more than what the customer needs
- Create a comfortable environment for day-to-day work in the facility
- Minimise costs
- Commitment to the environment