Holistic aquaculture consultancy

Why aquaculture and why RAS

At PLEAMAR we believe that aquaculture has significant potential in providing a healthy and sustainable source of high quality food to the population.

According to the FAO, Based on its dynamic performance over the last 30 years, and with fairly stable catches from capture fisheries, it is likely that the future growth of the fisheries sector will come mainly from aquaculture.
A sustainable strategy for aquaculture needs:

  • a recognition of the fact that farmers earn a fair reward from farming
  • to ensure that benefits and costs are shared equitably
  • to promote wealth and job creation
  • to make sure that enough food is accessible to all
  • to manage the environment for the benefit of future generations
  • to ensure that aquaculture development is orderly, with both authorities and industry well organized

The ultimate aspiration is for aquaculture to develop its full potential so that:

  • communities prosper and people are healthier
  • there are more opportunities for improved livelihoods, with an increased income and better nutrition
  • farmers and women are empowered

At PLEAMAR we fully agree with this approach and want to do our bit to make it a reality.

Nowadays, innovation and technological advances are essential to boost aquaculture production to the maximum, while ensuring the sustainability that society increasingly requires.
RAS (Recirculation Aquaculture System) maintain the quality of the culture water at optimum values at all times, allowing a higher biomass concentration and maximum quality of the fish obtained. It also minimises the environmental impact that every industry inevitably entails.
Increased investment will therefore be critical to help implement the best and most modern practices.

PLEAMAR can help you to achieve maximum success in your aquaculture project. We have more than 15 years of experience in the aquaculture sector.

What we do

RAS systems design and installation
culture and production plans
aquaculture materials supply
Consultancy services
Underwater windows
Systems design and installation
Development of culture plans
Materials supply
Consultancy services
Underwater windows
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